domingo, 21 de febrero de 2021

Las fotos de la semana: del 15 al 21 de febrero 2021

 A seagull stands in a square, near a billboard with a public service message asking people to stay home. The sign also depicts a seagull, cozy in a blanket and holding a mug.

Icicles hang from a frozen road sign that reads, in part, "Texas."

People play in the snow, with ancient Greek ruins visible in the background.

Steam rises from a heating plant behind a monument to Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Red-hot lava flows down the slopes of Mount Etna.

A young girl lies in front of a smartphone, her face lit by its screen, in a dark room.

A person on stilts, wearing a long, flowing costume, walks in a city street near a trolley.

Martian rocks and dirt are visible in a dusty image made by the newest Mars rover.

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